Monday, July 27, 2015

Myrtle Beach! - Afternoon with fishingA

We took a family vacation to Myrtle Beach a couple weeks ago.  The ministry the King works for had a big superconference at a resort there.  It was such a great trip.  I mean really really great!

We rented a couple fishing poles and did some fishing off the pier.  It was fun!  Although the King and A lasted much longer than the rest of us (who all went swimming).

A guy down the pier from us caught a baby shark  L wouldn't get in the picture.  :/

This was the view from our balcony in our room.  I loved sitting out there and reading my Bible in the morning....

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Yes I am yelling!  You would be too!

We lived without the sink and plywood as countertop for about 3 weeks and that was plenty long.   Thankfully, one was on vacation so that helped.  :)  We used a ton of paper products and just as much convenience food.  And my waist line shows it.  :(  But we are back in business.

Thankfully the sink hole wasn't cut at the factory as I'd hoped.  There was this much space around the entire template.  

Pappy did a test hole right in the middle.  The biggest risk here is that we'll have big chips.  He marked on the wrong side and then duct taped each line on the good side to try to prevent that.

Here we go.  I was SOOOOOO anxious. 

slowly but surely.  Ack!

Whew!  Hole is cut....there are no chips and it appears to match up with the cabinet as it should....

And the sink FITS!  YAY!!!

Its all plumbed in and I've even used it a few times by now.  Its so deep and I just love it!  Also peek at the window back there....then look back at the last picture.  We ripped out that ugly orange "wood look" junk that was ugly (its worth saying twice) and had water damage.  And put in new white pieces there.  Such a BIG difference.

Sneak peek at our tile choice for backsplash.  Its gonna be really pretty....but we've gotta get the tool and figure out how to cut it.  :/