Friday, August 23, 2019

Finished Object Friday!

One of the things I've been hoping to do with some free time is spend more time sewing.  I'm hoping that each friday I have one "Finished object" to share.  Im typing this ON friday but the project has been done for a phone (with the photos) and the blog were not cooperating.  But I fixed that last night.  so here we go! 

I bought the floral (Scottish Thistle) fabric from an Outlander pre-order with Shear Madness Fabrics.  I intended to make a shirt with it but the longer we chatted the more it asked to be a skirt.  This skirt pattern is the "mama chloe" skirt from Made for Mermaids.  I widened the bottom to the full width I could get out of the fabric.  It has a 3 inch waistband made from black athletic fabric.  It is comfortable and casual enough to wear every day but the fabric is so awesome that I think it will dress up well too. 

I'll be honest though....I don't love the skirt. I don't think I'll rush to make another one...I'm sure I won't. I chose this one because I bought 1 yard of this for a short sleeve shirt and skirts typically require more than that.  The mama chloe in my size can be made with a single yard.   I have been waiting to cut into this fabric I love for MONTHS and ONE day after I made this I found a skirt pattern I like the looks of much more.  It is fine though. 

The top is made with some fabric I've had in my stash for ages and I don't have any idea what it is....or where it came from.  My guess is the walmart clearance rack.  I snag $1/yd fabric there to use as muslin or practice goes at new patterns.  But the blue perfectly matches the skirt so I decided to jut roll with it.  I made the Halla Slim Dolman with short, banded sleeve, a high neckline, and a banded waist- regular length.  I am short.  For true regular length I would have to shorten the bodice by several inches.  I LOVE THIS SHIRT!  Honestly, had I made it before the skirt....I think the thistle fabric would have been this shirt.  I'll be making many more of these!  :D  Dolman sleeves go together so quick and easy.  Because I chose a high neckline the front and back are the same pattern piece so technically you could use a solid on one side and a print on the other and have a reversible shirt (which would be great during cardigan season or for travel to cardigan weather destinations  - like Scotland).  Even without a cardigan that would be a fun and interesting detail!  It is easy to wear out and flowing but also tucked nicely into the skirt in this thin fabric  It is a pattern winner!!!

My mannekin is smaller than me so the fit isn't great but this shows the top pattern much better.  

Top and Skirt made by me and ready for a morning at church.

So there it is....finished object friday.  I currently have 3 patterns ready to be taped and cut so I can sew them.  But I've also got several batches of jam to can so I'm not sure when I'm going to sleep, er, sew.  Happy Friday!!!!

Eat Well, Create Much, Travel Often! 

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