Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday Facepalms #2

More funny things that happened this week.

After church:
G: Two of my friends were fighting over who got to sit by me in class today.  I told them "ladies ladies, there is enough of me to go around"
Me: which friends were they?
G.  (both BOY names)  But when I said it they stopped fighting.  

that's a peacemaker.  HA!

M:  There is no such thing as a toy weiner dog.
S: Are you sure?
M:  Yes.  There are toy poodle.  Muffin (my mom's dog) was one. 
S:  What if a toy poodle and a weiner dog had a baby.  That would be a toy weiner dog.  WAIT!  Maybe it would be a woodle.
M  or a pienir.  NO no not that.  
S: maybe not
G:  Lets pretend this conversation never happened
All:  Agreed.

G:  let me tell the story.  I was an eye-witness.  I wish I wasn't.  it was gross.
A:  I witness my eyes every day. 

By the end of this week, I don't really have a sense of humor and I just want to banish them all to their beds so they will STOP FIGHTING!  

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