Monday, October 24, 2011

Get Dressed Challenge!!

A friend of mine posted this challenge that she found on another blog. And I decided to take the challenge myself.  Wearing clothes seems like a good thing to do.  :)  Honestly, I spend a lot of days in my pj's till after lunch when the kids have rest time and I shower.  It is one of the "perks" of is also one of the things that make it time to shower until 1 in the afternoon.  Sigh.  However, the days when I get up and shower and get dressed first thing are usually better.  I feel more productive, and I don't have to pray about the UPS man not stopping by my house.

I'm not sure I can live up to her standards but I know I don't really have to.  I like to be comfortable around the house but there is nothing wrong with wearing a nice pair of yoga pants and a matching shirt.  (Maybe I should ask for some of those for Christmas).  Maybe I'll even do my hair. 

I'll give a report on yesterday.  Well, we went to church so I did get up, shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and put on makeup...(you are welcome fellow church goers).  Then I yelled at my kids to do the same (it was NOT a good "get ready" morning).  I wore skinny jeans, a green and white striped shirt and brown knee boots.  I put the shirt in the resale pile when I got home because it didn't fit right and made me uncomfortable.  The rest of the day I wore gray capri yoga pants and a long sleeve blue t-shirt that I got in college almost a decade ago...but it still fits and I was cleaning.  sigh.  Well, I was dressed so maybe I should plan on starting small. :)  Aiden likes to take photos...maybe he'll take photos of my uber stylish house clothes to post online...they should at least make you feel good about what you've decided to wear for the day.  LOL

I just read Sarah Mae's blog posts on getting dressed (her blog is linked above) and I think she is pretty stinkin I'm gonna do it...but I'm not sure how I feel about needing to take this challenge...oh how far we sometimes fall!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Just Catching up on your blog! It never fails... if I get dressed and ready at a decent hour I never have a visitor but if I decide to stay in my disheveled-ness someone ALWAYS comes to the door.
